04 Oct 2014
Saturday, October 4, 2014

Onions Underway – The 2014/15 Season Commences

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This week has marked the start of our 2014/15 onion season with harvesting beginning in the Lockyer Valley. Some 6000 tonnes of onions are expected to be harvested between now and the end of the year with supply likely until the end of January.

While harvesting has just commenced, many months of preparation, planting, irrigating and growing have gone into this seasons harvest. Qualipac Farms General Manager Brad Qualischefski has been overseeing the entire process and is very pleased with the results so far.

“The weather conditions have been favourable this year so preparations have been relatively smooth and while we are only a week into the harvest, the quality so far is exceptional.”

Qualipac’s onions are all hand harvested and while the process is labour intensive, the results are high quality, unblemished onions.

Qualipac Director, Russell Qualischefski and some onions from the first week of harvest in the Lockyer Valley.

Qualipac Director, Russell Qualischefski with some onions from the first week of harvest


The onions harvested this week have all been transported to our packing shed where they will be dried and cured before packing commences next week.

Qualipac Sales Manager Kees Versteeg has recently been interviewed about the start of our season for an article for international fresh produce website Fresh Plaza. Read the article and find out more about Queensland onions here: http://www.freshplaza.com/article/127618/Out-with-the-old-and-in-with-the-ne

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