Qualipac’s Sales and Marketing Manager Kees Versteeg has recently returned from a Trade Mission visit to Taiwan and Japan. The trip was part of the Murray Darling Basin Regional Economic Diversification Program and was organised through the Queensland Department of Agriculture & Fisheries.
Qualipac currently export broccoli to both countries and the trip provided a fantastic opportunity for Kees to see firsthand Qualipac broccoli in the supermarkets, meet with current and potential customers and end consumers as well as other members of the supply chain.
“Our customers are very impressed with our consistency in supply, consistency in quality and the fact that our produce comes directly from a 4th generation farming family in Australia”.
A highlight of the trip was a lunch cooked by the famous Iron Chef, Hiroyuki Sakai using produce from Queensland growers including fresh Qualipac broccoli. Sakai is a well-known Japanese chef who specializes in French cuisine and is the owner of 3 restaurants called “La Rochelle”. He is most famous for being the second, and last, Iron Chef French on the Japanese television show Iron Chef. Sakai showcased the versatility of broccoli by preparing a broccoli mousse, a dish that certainly impressed Kees.
“Fresh Queensland broccoli is packed full of flavour and the mousse prepared by Iron Chef really highlighted this, it was very refreshing to see and taste. I was fortunate enough to speak with the Iron Chef and he was full of praise of Queensland broccoli and its flavour, something that was very pleasing to hear”.
Qualipac is a major grower and supplier of fresh broccoli and export into Asian markets, where a particularly high quality is expected. If your require more information about Qualipac and export of broccoli please contact Kees Versteeg at kees@qualipac.com.au
Qualipac are pleased to welcome Sam Adams to our business who has joined our team as a Field and Sustainability Officer.
After growing up in Armidale on a cattle and sheep property, Sam moved to Gatton to study at UQ where he completed his degree in plant science. He is now an integral part of the farming side of the business and is involved in a variety of area’s including crop monitoring, harvesting and logistics, as well as managing staff and sustainability and compliance issues.
Sam brings a great deal of energy to the business and as with most young people, has an appreciation for technology and is interested in how it can be applied to the agricultural industry.
“I think these days technology has a big role to play in agriculture and it is definitely an area where the industry as a whole can improve. Qualipac are doing some great things with technology, particular with regards to irrigation and the business if very open to adopting new practices. It’s something that I’m keen to keep up with and apply what I learn to the business.”
Qualipac Farms General Manager Brad Qualischefski has been working with Sam over the past few months.
“We are a progressive and innovative business and good staff are integral part of this. Sam has been a great addition to our business, he is very enthusiastic and keen to put into practice what he already knows through his experiences growing up in Armidale and through his studies”.
In gaining employment with a business such as Qualipac, Sam can see plenty of opportunities to learn and progress.
“As well as growing, Qualipac are also packers and suppliers of produce to both domestic and international markets so learning about the packing and marketing side of the business is something I’m keen to do in the future. To have an understanding of the complete process from start to finish is very important and would be invaluable experience”.
We have recently commenced our 2016 Broccoli harvest and thought it would be the perfect time to remind everyone of why we love this vegetable so much.
From a nutrition point of view, Broccoli is near if not at the top of the list as far as vegetables go. It is packed full of antioxidants, minerals and fibre and of course it has long been thought to have cancer preventing properties. It has also been shown to reduce cholesterol and improve heart health and digestion.
Broccoli is also surprisingly versatile. Fresh Queensland grown Broccoli is perfect just lightly steamed or even try it raw in salads. But, since we are coming into the cooler months why not try one of our favourite ways to enjoy this wonderful vege – roasted:
Cut the florets off a head of fresh Broccoli and toss it in a zip lock back with 2 cloves of crushed garlic, a couple of lugs of olive oil, the juice of a small lemon and some salt and pepper. Give the bag a shake so the broccoli is coated. Tip onto a lined baking tray and bake in a moderate over for 25-30 mins. Delicious!
Fresh Queensland broccoli is making its way to your local Australian supermarket now so be sure to pick some up for your next dinner.
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Contact Details
- 5209 Warrego Highway, Gatton QLD 4343
- 07 5466 5441
- admin@qualipac.com.au
Proudly Australian