Broccoli and Baby Broccoli
Don’t be afraid to eat the stems of broccoli. They are highly nutritious and full of flavour. Try grating them and adding to Bolognese sauce or using them in a stir fry.
Store onions in a cool, dark and well ventilated area away from direct sunlight and ideally in an onion bag. They should keep for a couple of weeks.
Store unused portions of pumpkins in the fridge and ensure it is well wrapped in cling wrap. Ideally use it within a week. A whole uncut pumpkin will keep for several weeks in a cool dark place.
Broccoli and Baby Broccoli
Don’t overcook your broccoli and ideally steam it for the highest nutritional value
Ensure that your knife is sharp when cutting onions. It will minimise the amount of gas that is released from the onion which causes your eyes to water and sting.
Pumpkin cooks a lot faster than potato so it is ideal for BBQ’s. Thinly slice the pumpkin, drizzle with a little oil and cook for a few minutes either side.
Technology has become a vital part of our business and we rely on it from the very start of the growing process through to the end when we deliver to our customer. We have also refined our irrigation practices so that we are using our water more effectively and we are better able to survive dry periods. From a marketing perspective we are much more customer focused.
Broccoli and Baby Broccoli
Our packing shed is only a short distance from our growing regions. After harvesting it goes straight to our packing shed where it is cooled to remove field heat. It is then packed on ice to ensure freshness and dispatch within 24 hours.
From the field they go straight to the packing shed where they are cured over a 10 day period in a temperature and humidity controlled shed; this ensures the longevity of the onion. They are then size and quality graded, packed and dispatched all within 2 weeks of harvest.
Within 48 hours
Broccoli – 12 weeks
Onions – 24 weeks
Pumpkins – 16 weeks
Baby Broccoli – 12 weeks
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Contact Details
- 5209 Warrego Highway, Gatton QLD 4343
- 07 5466 5441
Proudly Australian